Dorothy Zbornak: Dorothy Zbornak was born in Brooklyn N.Y.,Dorothy is over 50 years old woman who lives in Miami, FL. and works as a subitute teacher in Miami High Schools. Ms. Zbornak lives with her 2 roomates Rose and Blanche at 6151 Richmond Street not long passed until her mother Sophia Petrillo came to live with them after her retirement home burned down. Dorothy is divorced from Stanely Zbornak after 38 years and 2 kids Kate Zbornak and Michael Zbornak. After 7 long and happy years Dorothy found Lucas Hollingworth, Blanche's uncle and got married. Hobbies: -Dorothy likes to read on saturday nights and check school work. -Slamming the door on her ex-husband Stan. -Hitting Rose after she says, asks, does something stupid or dumb. Dorothys NickNames: -Spamoni Face -Pussy Cat |